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QR Generator

NodeJS script using the symbology library to generate QR codes from a plain text file with references separated by line breaks ("\n")

SocketIO Api

SocketIO server that exposes both a websocket service and an HTTP API on the same port, allowing the sending of text messages through specific channels.

Vue2 template

Complete Vue 2 project template with authentication hooks for login.



  • Webpack 4
  • Vuex
  • Vue Router
  • Vuetify 2
  • Axios (for HTTP service calls / para llamadas a servicios http)
  • CryptoJS (simmetric credentials encryption / encriptado simétrico de credenciales)

GraphQL Api (Javascript)

Demo with documentation on different branches on how to build an API with Express and GraphQL.

Grammy Bot

Telegram bot using the official API through the Grammy library/framework with various question and answer functionalities.

Fast API template

Python template for the FastAPI framework with SQLAlchemy connector and a dependency packaging system using Pipenv.